South Tangerang, Indonesia – February 20, 2013 – HartLogic Media is a media company providing cultural information through a blog about daily life in Indonesia. Currently, HartLogic announced to dismiss HartLogic media operations.
“Alasan utama dari HartLogic berhenti beroperasi dari HartLogic Media. Sumber daya manusia kami masih sedikit untuk mencapai konsistensi dan memperbarui terus menerus serta kurangnya fokus dalam hal pembahasan artikel. Kami harus mempelajari lebih lagi mengenai Digital Marketing dan menulis untuk mempersiapkan dan meluncurkan HartLogic Media dalam waktu dekat” – Bernhart Farras
Sejak informasi tersebut pada Mei 2012, HartLogic media telah mempublikasi 200 artikel dengan konten-konten yang berbeda dan tema-tema yang berbeda. HartLogic Media juga telah mencapai rating dari 15,000 pengunjung unik di mesin pencarian dalam waktu 1 tahun operasi, Dan juga media terbaik yang terkenal seperti untuk beberapa kata kunci peringkat untuk isi tertentu dari and
“The main reason of HartLogic stop the operations of HartLogic Media. Our human resources are still a bit to achieve consistency and continuous updating and a lack of focus in terms of discussion of the article. We have to learn more about Digital Marketing and Writing to prepare and relaunched HartLogic Media in near future” – Bernhart Farras
Since its formation in May 2012, HartLogic media has published 200 articles with different contents and different themes. HartLogic Media also has reached a rating of 15,000 unique visitors on search engines within 1 year of operations, and also topping such renowned media for few keyword ranking for certain contents of and
HartLogic began in 2012 by solving business problems as a successful technology, creative and media consultant. Today, HartLogic devoted to develop entrepreneurs by doing people development, event management, and consulting. HartLogic’s vision is supporting entrepreneurs around the world with “Kita Wujudkan, Sekarang.” as the official tagline. HartLogic’s employees are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs on earth and to execute new ideas of social and business solutions.
Press Contact:
Bernhart Farras Sukandar
(+62) 22 2066 2691
HartLogic, the HartLogic logo, the HL logo, are trademarks of HartLogic. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.